Pleaux is a city written in history since the gallo-roman period. This primitive city, at the beginning of christianism, settles down all around a baptismal church which doesn’t exist anymore. In the XIIIth century, a charter gave to Pleaux the status of Royal Bastide.
At the same period was founded, on the territory, a commandery of the Military and Hospitaliar Order, the only one which belonged to the Saint Lazarre Knights in Auvergne. This commandery was destroyed during the french revolution.
…there is a mystery left : what about the underpass from the Commandery to the Borie wood, over the village of Vabres ? You still could see its entrance at the beginning of the 20th century…
In the XVIIe century settled down in Pleaux a convent, and today, at this place, you can see the Small Seminary.
As witness of a long and rich historical past, turrets houses with lauze roofs of the XV and XVIth centuries.
“Auvergne is a secret, rather than a province. It always troubles you with a dream. It is when you have found it that you more look for it”. (Alexandre Vialatte)
Snuggled between the arms of « la Maronne » river, which takes its source at the foot of « Roc des Ombres >> 1400m altitude, and the river « la Dordogne », which stats on the sides of the 3Sancy » mountain, among the mountains pastures of « High Country of Salers » and heather of« la Xaintrie », at 640m of altitude, Pleaux is warmly waiting for you!
” …one of the Cantal elegance is its remarkable and various flora… ” (Henri Durif)